All Sunday school supplies for the following year are sent in June by sea barrels containing all of the supplies, Sunday School prizes, clothing and food items for the Sunday School outreach programs to all ecclesias on these islands under the supervision of the CBM linkpersons – Jamaica – Bro. Don & Sis. Miriam Luff; Barbados – Bro. Rod Ghent and Sis. Linda Ghent; Guyana – Bro. Mark Carr and Sis. Liz Carr; Trinidad Tobago – Bro. Brad Butts. We are thankful for the tremendous support from the Ontario local ecclesias who come to the annual work day assisting in the preparation of the lessons, Biblical supplies and other Sunday school needs requiring extensive labour, organizational skills and eager willingness to prepare such for the shipment of the barrels to each designated ecclesia and a special thank you to Bro. Phil and Sis. Barb Wilton who organizes a team of shippers preparing the barrels for delivery by sea. This process requires a lot of organizational tools and willing teams for which we could not complete the multiple tasks required without their support. A special thanks is also granted for those from the U.S.A. and Canada who collect supplies, clothing and sewing needs throughout the year in preparation of this annual work day. Supplies will not be accepted without prior authorization from the CSTCF. It is imperative that we follow customs regulations for all countries and direct our requests accordingly. For further information please contact the administrators if your ecclesia/CYC/Sunday School would like to receive information regarding the current programs for targeted fund raising needs. Also, any request for funds, services or supplies by ecclesias or individuals worldwide must be directed through the CBM linkperson for your ecclesial area who will pass the information needed to the CSTCF. Confidentiality is strictly adhered to but all requests are confirmed through either the ecclesia or CBM prior to consideration.